Thank you for coming down this morning, Jinhong. You have been and still are such a wonderful senior and source of encouragement for us.
For the CO, I saw Jinhong's blog(link right -->) and stumbled across something Jinhong said was posted by Chengjun. I found it really meaningful and impactful. I know we were still kind of emotional this morning, but we will get over it, we have to. Let me share Chengjun's words with you(if you have not already seen them).
想想看,我们是不是获得更多?逆境显现出我们团队的坚强,团员的团结。有时,逆境带来的比顺势能给的还要多,经验更加难忘,可贵。你发现,原来还有那么多人在乎。所以说嘛,我们应该感到无比自豪,因为我们得到了别人无法得到的,那就是 “赢” 牌。
True, true. I felt exactly the same way nearly immediately after we got our results. Seeing you guys bond together and encourage each other was my best moment in this CCA in my 4 years. It made me feel like part of one warm family.
Again, thank you all our seniors for your support and encouragement! Hope to see you guys again soon.
Ivan :)