Sunday, November 8, 2009

CO Camp stuff

Hi guys.
Xuanming here...
This one basically goes out to the Sec 4s...
From what I heard, CO Camp will be held from 19-21 Nov.
And on day 1, there will be an outdoor programme for sec sch ppl...
So yeah, there are 3 choices.
Archery, Lazer Quest(=DDD LOL) and Inline Skating.
Archery and Inline Skating will be held in school while Lazer Quest will be held at Sembawang.
Umm. Sec 4s who are interested please contact me or Jason by tmrw (Monday)
School will sponsor half the cost.
So this means that Lazer Quest will cost $12.50, Inline skating $4 and Archery's cost will depend on the number of ppl going.
Current and past SLs pls help spread this too ASAP... Thanks! =D
So far only 5 ppl have responded, and 4 are going.
Please help spread this msg!
And sec 3s, all the best for your O level Chinese! =)
Thanks guys!!! :D
Xuan Ming signing off...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Post exams

Heyys everyone (:
How are your results?
Those who had scored well, congrats (:
Those who hadn't, don't worry.
Jiayou, work hard and you'll have another chance to achieve good results.
Remember, you reap what you sow.

Our school based exams are over, but the sec 4's start their O's tomorrow.
Thus we won't be having sectional practice on 26 October, Monday after school.
However, please be reminded that there will still be combined practice on Wednesday and Friday.
Sec 1 and Sec 2's, please report at 2pm.
Sec 3s report at 3.30pm (1/2hr lunch break).

Please make sure you practice more during this post-exam period so that we can progress faster.
Then we can bring Movement 1 of 抒情变奏曲 to a close and start on a new song.
The combined songs that we are practicing now, including the sectional songs, are in preperation for next year's concert, which would be held on 21st May 2010.
Considering the number of songs we are supposed to prepare and the rate we're going, we are on a rather tight schedule.
Please put in more effort at home and during practice!

During the EOY November/ December holidays, we'll be holding our Annual CO Camp from the 19th - 21st of November. It'll be a 3Day 2Night event. Please try to keep that period of time FREE so that you can attend the camp. Those who had already planned for a vacation overseas, it's okay. You'll have another chance to attend the camp next year.

*Camp details to be updated closer to event!

Enjoy your last week of the school year! (:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Overseas Trip Rough Brief

Hello CO!
Hope everyone's doing fine!
Yup I'm just here to spread what long lao shi told me yesterday.
Ok basically overseas trip SHOULD be held as usual this year,
and if I dun remember wrongly,
long lao shi said that the dates will be from 30 November to 8 December.
This year SHOULD be JAPAN.
(Notice I used "Should" twice", cos it's almost confirmed only, not totally).
But yeah anyway, for those who want to go (including sec 4s!) please try to keep that period of time free yeah? ;)
And to the rest who are still in CO (Sec 1 to 3s),
I really encourage you to go, cos it's really a FUN and ENRICHING experience.
Ask your seniors who went before, and you will know. =)
Anyway, jiayou for CO and EOYs!
Listen to your seniors alright? =)
They are the role models to follow.
Jiayou everyone! See you guys soon. :D
Any enquiries about this, um, please try not find me...
Just ask long laoshi, liu laoshi or liang laoshi ba.
Or ask your Sec 3 seniors. Yup.
See you people!!! :D
Xuan Ming signing off (:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

C BOX Issue





















有了车子 想要房子 有了妻子 想要马子
有了银子 想要位子 有了位子 拿了架子
搞了圈子 使了性子 贴了胆子 望了老子




为什么人会那么的脆弱? 那么的不堪一击?



当孔子的徒弟樊迟问他什么是“仁”,孔子回答 :“爱人”,主要是善待他人。




己所不欲 勿施于人

如以人为本体 表现在具体的行为上:

对父母为孝 对兄弟为悌
对朋友为信 对国家为忠















我不是你们的老师,我不是校长,也不是你们的家长,因此不能教育你们,也不能给你们一巴掌。与其批评他人,不如先自我反省。都是个中学生了,怎么还这么懵懂无知? 思想这么不成熟?













Monday, August 24, 2009

Thanks to the guy who posted at the tag board :

24 Aug 09, 21:32
me: see this,

I found the Hwa Chong JC's version of 抒情变奏曲 which is the version 魏老师 condensed into 8 minutes.
Enjoy (:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

EXCO 09/10

Hey guys. The Exco 09/10 were announced yesterday, and they are :

EXCO 09/10
President - Jin Hong
Vice President - Cheng Jun
Secretary - Martin Tan
Assistant Secretary - Kuan Hoe
Quarter Master - Yi Long

SL Joshua Tay
ASL Benjamin Chua

SL Ren Jie
ASL Wilson

SL Eugene Tan

SL Yi Der

Cello / Bass
SL Yu Fan
ASL Shawn Lee

SL Guo Chang

*SL - Section Leader / ASL - Assistant Section Leader

A few announcements :
1. Practice starting on Monday, 24/8/09, will be back to 3 hours.
Both 小组 & 大组 would be from 3.30 - 6.30 .

2. Tentative practice schedule :
Monday 小组 - with respective instructors.
Wednesday 分组 - 魏老师 will teach individual groups.
Friday 大组

3. Wednesday 大组 tentatively will be changed to 分组 till furthur notice as we are wasting our time during 大组 because we have not learnt the new song at all. Please make good use of the 小组 and 分组 practices to learn from the instructors. SLs and ASLs please remind your respective instructors to teach you guys.

4. Please make sure ALL MEMBERS including Sec Ones learn both 梦蝶 and 抒情变奏曲 for the Concert next year.

5. If you are unwell and missed practice, please pass your MC to Martin / Kuan Hoe. Excuses such as tuition, project, etc. are not accepted. If you have any extra lessons, tests or retests, please inform your SL/ASL beforehand. You are expected to turn up for practice after your extra lessons, tests or retests.

6. Sec 4's who have not returned blazers, please pass it to Yi Long / Kuan Hoe ASAP.

7. Those who have not paid for the CO Shirt / SYF Photo you ordered, please pay to Martin ASAP.

8. Please fill in and hand up the HOMECOMING 2009 Donation Form. All profits will go directly into our CO FUND which will be used for activities like our annual camp.  (:


Monday, July 27, 2009

Erhu Group Briefing

Hey Guys,

There is a meeting for all erhu section members(sec 1 to 3s) on wednesday at 2.50pm outside CO Room. I am conducting briefing for the Grading Examination and at the same time to collect the 15dollars for GECO concert DVD.

Those who cannot make it please imform me or Renjie beforehand. If not, i expect all 21 of you to be present. Kuan Hoe and Yiwei are excluded. Those who are not going for grading this year are expected and required to be present as well.

Please bring along 15dollars for the DVD. And i may want to discuss with you all on a possible sectional outing with you guys one of these days. I need your suggestions and ideas though. Please think about it.

If the assembly programme for the lower sec is delayed, then please come right after the assembly. Will wait for you there.

All absentees must be accounted for.

Till then.

Thank you

Cheng Jun

Friday, July 24, 2009

Practices :
Monday - 小组 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Wednesday - no practice.
Friday - 大组 3.30pm onwards.

Please take note :
1. Secondary 1's are to come for 大组 starting next week.
2. To those who ordered the SYF photo 2009, please bring on MONDAY.
3. To those who have not paid for the CO TSHIRT, please bring $15 as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CFA Chinese Instrumental Examination

Hey Guys

This is just to inform you all that the registration of NUS Centre of the Arts Chinese Instruments Grading Examination has officially opened today, 14 July 2009.

Inclusion of new instruments into the examination syllabus :

In addition to the instruments in the examination syllabus (Erhu, Dizi, Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Ruan), 4 new instruments will be included in this year’s syllabus, namely the Liuqin, Sheng, Suona and Cello.

Registration starts from 14 July 2009 and will close on 2 October 2009.
Registrations made by 11 September 2009 are entitled to an early-bird special rate.

Please visit for more information about the rates and important details of the examination. And also to download the registration form.

For Erhu Section, do not submit the forms and register for the examination on your own.
It is compulsory that we submit both the forms and money together under our school name and group when sectional practices resume.
For erhu members, you will be informed of when to bring the cash/cheques and forms for submission.
As in previous years, we submit the necessary documents as a group to facilitate the notification of results and for everyone's convenience.

In the meanwhile, please practise diligently.

All the Best

Cheng Jun

Friday, July 10, 2009

CO for week 3 is cancelled as well.

Please be informed the collection of money for
1. CO Tshirt and
2. SYF Photo
are still ongoing. Please bring on Monday.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

EDIT : Please note that there won't be CO Practice for Week 2.

There is no CO practice during T3W1.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

1. DO NOT wear the CO Shirt to school tomorrow.

2. Please bring the CO Shirt to return.

3. You may wear Half-U tomorrow.

4. Remember to bring your uniform for the concert.

5. There is NO sectional practice for those not taking part in the concert.

6. Sectionals will resume on 13th July.

7. Please check your seating arrangement for the concert. Seating plan will be up in the CO Room.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Please note that tomorrow is NOT a full dress rehearsal, neither do you need to bring your uniform.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Please take note:

1. Week 4, Wednesday, 24/06/09

2. Week 4, Thursday, 25/06/09
There is 大组, 10am - 1pm.

3. Week 4, Friday, 26/06/09
大组 and Rehearsal, starting at 10am.
Sec 4s please bring $15 for the CO Tshirt as well. (:

4. Please check your uniform,
-Long-sleeve collar white shirt
-Black socks
-Black leather shoes


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Collection of t-shirt money and homecoming fund raising forms

Hey Guys,

Two things to take note:
  1. For those who have not handed up the $15 for CO Tee, please remember to bring it during your sectional practices next week and pass it to your section's representatives respectively.
  2. Bring the sponsor cum fund raising form for CO homecoming which was given out last week.A nil return is expected if you are not donating.

The following representatives please aid me in collaborating the forms and money collected during that day.

  • Benjamin;Joshua (Tanbo)
  • Ren Jie;Yi Long(Xuan Yue)
  • Eugene;Yi Der(Winds)
  • Guo Chang(Percussion)
  • Gerald;Shawn(Cello;Bass)

Representatives, please keep the forms and money in safekeeping and pass it to me on latest Friday, when everything is in. And please clearly list out those who did not hand up either the forms or money on a piece of paper.Those who need extra fund raising form please get it from Jin Hong.

The Sec 4s will be coming to practice on Friday, and i hope you all can find a way to remind them beforehand about the CO shirt money.To bring on that Friday and collect from them. We ordered for every sec4s except Leon who doesn't want to have one. So please call or sms them to inform them about it.

Thank You


Cheng Jun

Change of Erhu Sectional Practice Timing











Monday, June 8, 2009

2009 June holiday schedule

dear all,

this is the newly updated june holiday schedule. please take note of the changes and come for the right practises at the right time. if there are any problems, pls feel free to alert us about it. a copy of the schedule is already in the CO room. please do not ruin or harm it in anyway. thank you. (:

- martin


Cello / Bass
1/6/2009 0800 – 1200 CO Room
8/6/2009 1000 – 1200 CO Room
24/6/2009 0900 – 1200 CO Room

1/6/2009 0930 – 1330 Class Room 3-1
8/6/2009 0930 – 1330 Special Room 4C
9/6/2009 0930 – 1330 Special Room 4C
22/6/2009 1300 – 1600 Special Room 4C
23/6/2009 1300 – 1600 Special Room 4C

1/6/2009 1530 – 1830 Special Room 4C
8/6/2009 0900 – 1300 Special Room 3C
22/6/2009 1300 – 1700 Special Room 3C

1/6/2009 1300 – 1600 Special Room 4A
8/6/2009 0930 – 1330 Special Room 3C
22/6/2009 0930 – 1330 Special Room 3C

1/6/2009 1530 – 1830 Special Room 3A
8/6/2009 0900 – 1300 Special Room 3A
22/6/2009 1300 – 1700 Special Room 3A

1/6/2009 1300 – 1600 CO Room
8/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
23/6/2009 1100 – 1400 CO Room

1/6/2009 1300 – 1600 CO Room
8/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
23/6/2009 1100 – 1400 CO Room

3/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
5/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
11/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
12/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
25/6/2009 1000 – 1300 CO Room
26/6/2009 1000 – 1800 CO Room/Hall (Rehearsal for Esplanade concert)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sorry guys for updating so late!
Anyway, great job people!
It's a nice feeling when you achieve what you want right?
That's why we say work hard and you will enjoy the rewards. ;)
It has not been an easy one year.
But thank goodness in the end, we have successfully defended what was earned 2 years back.
However, everyone must remember that results are not everything.
Although we have achieved a GwH, we should always remember to be humble and respect others.
(Pride comes before a fall remember?)
But nevertheless, congratulations again to everyone, and we thank everyone for your effort put in during the final lap.
Anyway, exams are coming right up soon for Sec 1 to 3s.
Do well alright, and get over this before we celebrate after your MRs ba.
See you guys and jiayou! =D
CO will be taking a break until further notice. We will inform your SLs when practice begins again.
And finally a last word which I really want to say.
Xuan Ming
P.S. Voting and EXCO interviews are arriving soon! ;)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The final lap, towards the day where we decide our fate.
If you have read the news recently, you would have seen this person called Susan Boyle from the UK and her stunning voice.
It is really an inspiring story, go read up on her.
And here's her video on her performance during Britain's Got Talent show.
Enjoy! =D
Xuan Ming

Thursday, April 16, 2009


5 DAYS! :O
Time really flies.
Just want to voice out some positive point I noticed for the past few days.
As SYF draws nearer, there is a great improvement in attitude in virtually everyone (:
It's really encouraging, and I do have a firm belief that, if this continue, the GwH would be more secure.
Many thanks to the SLs, who have put in a lot of hard work during the past few days, which were the days of the Final Countdown.
I hope that everyone can sense the hardwork put in by your seniors.
Last but not least, JIAYOU!
Intensive period has arrived, try to hold on alright? (:
It will not be easy, but always remember that EFFORT = RESULTS so just bear in mind what we want to achieve at the end of this colourful journey.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good Friday

Hi guys.
Finally a short break huh? Haha.
Well just here to remind you guys that there will be a uniform check conducted this monday, 13/4.
Pls make sure that your CHSCO entire comprises of:
BLAZER (To be given out for those who have yet to receive)
PANTS (To be given out for those who have yet to receive)
Long-sleeve collar white shirt
Black leather shoes and black socks.
For those who are not sure what type of shirt or shoes to buy, you can call any of us to clarify alright (:
SMSes will be sent to you guys on Sunday again to remind about the check.
Last but not least, enjoy your Good Friday!
Xuan Ming
P.S. Congratulations to CHSSB for attaining GwH!!! =)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Counting down... 22 days!!!

The SYF season has officially started yesterday.
Let us wish CHSSB and EL Drama all the best for their SYF tmrw!
May they begin our school's SYF with a big bang.
it is just 22 days more peeps!!!
Work hard, do not slack, turn up for practices ok?
Tmrw's practice is as usual.
Please turn up thanks! =D
Xuan Ming

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When the levee breaks

I daresay I am a very imaginative person.
I once imagined that i would lose my first kiss before secondary school.
I once imagined that i would get a scholarship and need not to worry anymore about my future.
I once imagined that CHSCO would clinch 'Gold with Honours' in SYF2006.
They all came true.

I must admit that I have a flair in imagining, but all of them came through when i was still one of the most insignificant arseholes in the century. I even tried to quit back then, because of its insignificance and incompetence. I once thought of it to be an abattoir that gives off the foul stench of rotten flesh with a queue of innocent children waiting to be slaughtered in it. I was vey much an idiot back then.

If that was comparable to Shawshank, then the Redemption must be SYF2006. I still remember the moment when Ms. Leong shed tears in the tuning room; the moment Ivan gave us the simplest encouragement - a handshake with a sincere "Good luck,"; the moment we entered the Singapore Conference Hall, when every audience were staring at our stunning purple blazers; the moment my bow got stuck in my sleeve when the Wind Crescenti's blowing and blowing; the moment Vincent told us to be prepared for a Gold; the moment 5 of us squeezed into a backstage toilet just to listen to the results after being chased out of the hall and lastly, the suffocating silence that enveloped us while the old man was announcing our results. "Catholic High School, Gold," I looked into Kenneth's eyes only to find the same anxiety I was going through, "with Honours." We ran out of the toilet like rabid dogs gone rampage, like what Jamal Malik did in Slumdog Millionaire, and I knew, I wasn't the most insignificant arsehole of the century anymore, I am a part of CHSCO.

And now, 28 days to SYF2008, I'm here, writing this in hope to encourage you all even at the slightest magnitude, even if we had struck the faintest chord.

Sometimes i wonder why did i abandon my discipline stance, why did i stop shouting at YuNan and Alex for their neverending antiques? All i do now is to console myself, "Things could have been worse, they could have been twins." My answer is that wiping random bubbles off a rabid canine's mouth is simply unable to prevent its eventual death. Discipline is no longer a trait that can be drilled into you all, it's dependent on your maturity; it's obedience that can be trained, and the worst of all, out of fear. I wouldn't want to convert CHSCO into a regime. I wouldn't want to be Mugabe. I'm sure Jason wouldn't want it too. (right?) Yet, it's this negligence that has cultivated CHSCO's most augmented strength - our impenetrable bond. We don't need to cheer to attain this, for we are CHSCO.

The reality is, It's already 5 minutes to midnight. The sand is seeping out fast, the clock's ticking and the levee's going to break. 28 more days, the levee will break and unleash its wrath upon us; some will sink beneath the water and fade away in crying shame and some will hold onto a plank and float on the water, surviving the catastrophe as mediocres as they had always been. However, we are different. We will ride on the waves, surf through the tide and clinch our deserved Honours, for we are CHSCO.

This is Catholic High School Chinese Orchestra - Music is our Talent, Winning is our Art.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Counting down... 31 days...

Hey guys!
Omg it's like so fast, last year was like yesterday, and here we are, approching the final count- down now.
I saw the tagboard, and I thought some posts were... well not friendly at all. =/
Guys, it's not a time for conflict!
Always remember the task on hand, which is to defend the GWH!
I'm sure no one wants CONFLICTS to block our path right? ;)
Let all be forgetten, and get on with life.
School commences tmrw, as well as our final journey to SCH.
It will not be easy... But please hold on during this tough period of time!
If you have comments on the pratices, leave your name on the tagboard and we will take it down alright. (:
Please dun put an anonymous name (Eg. Passer-by)...
Anyway, take note that practices will be as usual next week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Morning practice will resume again.
The last 31 days.
It has been a long way, I'm sure you would like to make your time for the past year worth right?
31 DAYS!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

39 days...

Hi guys!
Term 1 has finally ended.
I believe that it has been a very tiring term, so please make use of the holidays to recharge...
Turn up for your holiday practices ok?
This is the FINAL stopover before we enter term 2 and pia all we can for 5 more weeks.
Dazu times:
Tuesday: 3.30pm-6.30pm
Wednesday: 3pm-6pm
Thursday: BREAK =D
Friday: 3pm-6pm
For xiaozu times, please refer to your respective SLs or ASLs.
The final 39 days will not be any easy.
While "39" might be quite a big number for you,
time flies and before you know it, SYF will be here.
It will be tough, it will be gruelling,
but with perseverance, you can do it!
加油! =)
Xuan Ming

Special thanks to Martin for sending this to me a few months back...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hello CHSCO

hello CHSCO, im Hubert from CHSCO batch 2008.

For those who dont know me, you could ask your seniors yups!

But then anyway, im really sorry to all for not being able to go for practice for such a long time. I will really try to make more time for CHSCO!

And and i hope the balloting results has made it very clear to you all that CHSCO is one of the last performance during SYF!

But then, what do you all want to achieve?
Do you all want to have a normal end to SYF, or would you all want to have a resounding ending for SYF? Imagine the applause when the last note is being strummed in unison. Its the end already.

Yups, actually the 20 minutes or so on stage is something u guys have been working hard for. Every week after school, you all would spend time polishing up your own playing skills, and spending time rehearsing. However, at the end of every practice, ask yourself, what have u reallg gained? Have u gained more friendship? Have you gained more musicianship? Or have u just idled and wasted your time away?

Time is a really precious treasure. In a blink of an eye, its gonna be CTs MRs, and whatsoever. And then SYF is right here in your face. By then, is the songs u all have pracced the best u have put in? Do you have confidence in your orchestra? and lastly, have confidence in YOURSELF?
Have u been working hard for the pieces?
When u get up on that stage, the apprehension and tension you gather from the atmosphere would be overwhelming! When you get up that stage, u represent not only a part of CHSCO, but also CHS. U BELONG TO CHS!

And and, At the end of this journey, what do you all want to gain?

Is it just for the sake of participation? Or is the glory that u all yearn?

I guess the Sec 4s are really having a torturous time. Coping with O levels and stuff, guys it really isnt easy. Sometimes, give them a breather, give them words of compassion. Im sure it will lighten up their days! XD

Ask yourselves once again.

What do you all really want!



Saturday, March 7, 2009

Balloting Results

Hi guys.
I believe some of you would have been aware of our balloting results.
Anyway here it is:
SYF 2009
Catholic High School (Ballot Number 55)
22nd April (Wednesday)
3.30pm (Reporting Time), 4.30pm (Performing Time)
It is not going to be easy this time round.
In afternoon session 2 (our session),
we have Jurong Sec (54), HWA CHONG (56) and Seng Kang (57).
Each and every school poses a challenge.
But in this session,
it is obvious that Hwa Chong would be our main challenger in our SYF journey.
I'm sure all of you know about Hwa Chong's standard over the years,
it is fantastic.
we would like everyone not to feel depressed or worried,
but work even harder to achieve our goal.
It may seem tough and tiring,
but we believe that,
with perseverance, we can do it.
We can remake what was done 2 years ago.
Let's work hard guys!
SYF is just 46 days away...
While band is just 25 days away only.
Let's work together as a team to make our dreams become a reality.
You can do it if you believe in it...
Xuan Ming (:

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hi guys! =D
Sorry for not posting for so long.
In lieu of the Cross Country, there will not be any dazu practice on this Friday.
However, Wednesday practice will go on as per normal.
Xuan Ming

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New song

New song uploaded, hope you guys enjoy it while you study! =D
Wait for the chorus it's great!
丰年祭 (Feng Nian Ji)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Friday, January 23, 2009

Finally updated

Hi guys.
Sorry for not updating so long.
Take note that there will be dazu on Wednesday despite the half-day.
Time will be told in a matter of days.
Meanwhile, please keep that day free.
Xuan Ming

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New week...

Hello everyone! =D
Hope you guys are doing fine in your new classes.
Tmrw will be the orientation roadshow (We told you guys before...)
Please report outside in your uniform.
Lower sec at 11.10am, upper sec at 11.30am.
Please put up a good show!!!
I'm sure we want more new members right. =)
And morning practice starts on Wednesday.
More info will be given to you guys tmrw during xiaozu.
Thanks and see ya tmrw!!! =D
Xuan Ming