Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello guys! :D

Hello everyone again! :D
For those who do not know who am I,
I am XuanMing, Secretary from batch '09!
You can ask your green, blue and red badge seniors if you dunno who I am haha.
I know this blog is kind of dead so here I am TRYING to revive it LOL.
Anyway, concert's approaching so please work hard k!
I know it will be very tiring for the next month, with practices and schoolwork.
But when the going gets tough, the tough gets going ok! :D
I'm sure your Sec 4 leaders are very stressed about this too.
Lend them a helping hand if you can alright? (:
It is not an easy task to run a CO, so try to help them in as many ways as you can.
Just wan to say something too.
For the Sec 4s,
you guys are approaching the end of your term.
It's been a tiring journey, but nevertheless I hope that it has been a fun and enriching one too.
Hope we played a crucial part in your 4-year journey in CHSCO! :D
You guys have been fantastic juniors and I personally enjoyed working with everyone of you (:
As seniors, I'm sure you have made a certain level of impact too yeah!
End the concert well, lead the CO to greater heights in this final month!
You guys have done a fantastic job and the batch of '08-'09 is very proud of you all ^^
Well done guys! The effort put in has been extraordinary and I am sure your fellow members can see it too!
All the best for O levels alright! :D
I'm sure the concert will end well!
We'll be watching...! (: Haha.
For the current Sec 3 batch (If you are reading this),
it is about time for you to take up leadership positions already.
The route is never easy, be it SYF or concert.
To me, both are equally important.
I was fortunate to be part of a team which worked hard together and put our differences aside to achieve our target of Gold-with-Honours last year.
There comes a time when we have to heed a certain call.
For those who didnt notice, last Thursday (22 May) was the one-year anniversary of the day we successfully defended our GwH.
As part of a team who was involved in SYF,
I have to say that it will be a tough journey ahead.
Guarantee plus chop.
However, instead of fearing, we hope that you guys will be able to step up to the challenge and do your best to attain it again alright! (:
No stress there, but I think it's a tradition to speak to you all about it before the SYF batch takes over.
So at the meantime, focus on your concert, do it for yourself, do it for CHSCO and let's do it for Catholic High School Aesthetics! :D
I'm confident that you guys will be able to showcase to us what CHSCO has achieved in her short 10-Year history.
See you guys on 23rd May!!! :D
With best wishes and regards,
XuanMing, Secretary of Batch '09! (:
P.S. Music is the strongest living magic in this world. Believe me! ;-)

Monday, April 5, 2010

This blog skin can't see titles. Would someone who is concerned view this "secret message" someday?

For those who aren't aware, the CHSCO performance attire comprises of:
1. Blazer (Made by tailor, paid by school)
2. Pants (Made by tailor, pay yourself, around $20+, PRICE TO BE COMFIRMED)
3. Long-sleeve collar white shirt (Please buy this yourself.)
4. Black leather shoes and black socks. (Please buy these yourself.)

The prices for the tickets of our concert have been comfirmed.
$10 and $15.
Each member has to sell AT LEAST 10 tickets.
Let's try to start selling the tickets early kayys? Then hopefully we can get a fullhouse or something. HOPEFULLY.

We only have 48 days to our concert. D:
Please reflect on our stage of preperation.
If we don't buck up now, it'll be a One Way route to depression, embarrassment...
How would you be able to life your heads high as a CO member after this?

Time to wake up people.
If you do care, and count, we only have 10 practices for Da Zu left.
Time's running out.


And there will be a duty roster starting from Wednesday da zu.
I know it seems a little late to implement this.
But each baby step we're taking is to bring us closer to our goal, yeah?
Current plan: The duty roster will go in rotation between 3 groups :
3. guanyue + daji + cello bass

Things you could do to improve on our CO room's cleaniness :
1. Please throw your litter away into the dustbin outside CO room.
2. Please do not bring any food or flavoured drinks into the CO room.
3. Please (especially erhu) place your instruments neatly when you pack your instruments into the storeroom.
4. Please keep your scores properly at designated places if you wish to leave it in school. Although bringing it home would be ideal. You can still practice the song mentally in your head, and take the chance to memorise the score.
5. Pack the chairs back after every practice to make it a better environment for everyone, and bring about convenience for the group that is cleaning the CO room.
6. Groups on duty can sweep the floor (2 brooms available), pick up litter, arrange the furniture in the CO room, etc.

Do your part for CO, even though it may seem insignificant.


After the concert, it means that the Sec4s can finally step down.
It also means the new EXCOs and SLs from the current Sec3 batch will take over on the day of our concert.
Thus there will be a voting exercise that would take place on Friday before or after dazu.
Please think through who you would like to vote for for the 5 exco positions : President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Quarter Master.
Vote based on the person's capabilities, don't vote for him just because he's your friend.
More details will be given on the day of the voting.

I don't think I'm making any sense now already.
In short, time is running out, so start practicing hard now, kay?