For those who aren't aware, the CHSCO performance attire comprises of:
1. Blazer (Made by tailor, paid by school)
2. Pants (Made by tailor, pay yourself, around $20+, PRICE TO BE COMFIRMED)
3. Long-sleeve collar white shirt (Please buy this yourself.)
4. Black leather shoes and black socks. (Please buy these yourself.)
The prices for the tickets of our concert have been comfirmed.
$10 and $15.
Each member has to sell AT LEAST 10 tickets.
Let's try to start selling the tickets early kayys? Then hopefully we can get a fullhouse or something. HOPEFULLY.
We only have 48 days to our concert. D:
Please reflect on our stage of preperation.
If we don't buck up now, it'll be a One Way route to depression, embarrassment...
How would you be able to life your heads high as a CO member after this?
Time to wake up people.
If you do care, and count, we only have 10 practices for Da Zu left.
Time's running out.
And there will be a duty roster starting from Wednesday da zu.
I know it seems a little late to implement this.
But each baby step we're taking is to bring us closer to our goal, yeah?
Current plan: The duty roster will go in rotation between 3 groups :
3. guanyue + daji + cello bass
Things you could do to improve on our CO room's cleaniness :
1. Please throw your litter away into the dustbin outside CO room.
2. Please do not bring any food or flavoured drinks into the CO room.
3. Please (especially erhu) place your instruments neatly when you pack your instruments into the storeroom.
4. Please keep your scores properly at designated places if you wish to leave it in school. Although bringing it home would be ideal. You can still practice the song mentally in your head, and take the chance to memorise the score.
5. Pack the chairs back after every practice to make it a better environment for everyone, and bring about convenience for the group that is cleaning the CO room.
6. Groups on duty can sweep the floor (2 brooms available), pick up litter, arrange the furniture in the CO room, etc.
Do your part for CO, even though it may seem insignificant.
After the concert, it means that the Sec4s can finally step down.
It also means the new EXCOs and SLs from the current Sec3 batch will take over on the day of our concert.
Thus there will be a voting exercise that would take place on Friday before or after dazu.
Please think through who you would like to vote for for the 5 exco positions : President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Quarter Master.
Vote based on the person's capabilities, don't vote for him just because he's your friend.
More details will be given on the day of the voting.
I don't think I'm making any sense now already.
In short, time is running out, so start practicing hard now, kay?