Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CFA Chinese Instrumental Examination

Hey Guys

This is just to inform you all that the registration of NUS Centre of the Arts Chinese Instruments Grading Examination has officially opened today, 14 July 2009.

Inclusion of new instruments into the examination syllabus :

In addition to the instruments in the examination syllabus (Erhu, Dizi, Guzheng, Pipa, Yangqin, Ruan), 4 new instruments will be included in this year’s syllabus, namely the Liuqin, Sheng, Suona and Cello.

Registration starts from 14 July 2009 and will close on 2 October 2009.
Registrations made by 11 September 2009 are entitled to an early-bird special rate.

Please visit http://www.nus.edu.sg/cfa/chime/registration.html for more information about the rates and important details of the examination. And also to download the registration form.

For Erhu Section, do not submit the forms and register for the examination on your own.
It is compulsory that we submit both the forms and money together under our school name and group when sectional practices resume.
For erhu members, you will be informed of when to bring the cash/cheques and forms for submission.
As in previous years, we submit the necessary documents as a group to facilitate the notification of results and for everyone's convenience.

In the meanwhile, please practise diligently.

All the Best

Cheng Jun