Saturday, April 16, 2011


Practice yesterday was satisfactory.
I could sense the effort put in by various groups,
BUT.. I'm sure there are still room for improvements.
We have only 3 more practices to polish up our skills
before the much awaited day.
Furthermore, I suppose everyone hopes to continue
the GwH streak for Catholic High!

There's no time to waste.
It's the last shot, give it all!

Also, refrain from staying back late in the night
after CO to play soccer or basketball for the upcoming week.
We do not want anyone to be injured, especially hand injuries
or fall sick during this crucial point of time.

Intensives are as follow:
18 April : 12.00nn-6.00pm
19 April : 12.00nn-6.30pm
20 April : 08.00am-5.00pm

Do excuse yourself from lessons at 12 noon on
Monday and Tuesday and report to the
auditorium for all 3 practices.

It's the final lap,
treasure the few practices we have left.

On a side note,
I'm looking forward for the day where we shine on stage.
We can do it!

P/s: I smell the GWH! Benjamin :D