From tomorrow onwards, we will have morning practice everyday. Last lap CO...
Uniform check is on Friday, please get your:
White long sleeved shirt(standard collar(like your school uniform))
Black socks (please NO ankle socks)
Black leather shoes (leather, LEATHER and preferably, one right and one left shoe)
Ivory pants (check if they fit (should have done that weeks ago when we told you to))
Blazer (same as above)
Ties will be provided on the day itself, and
Look presentable, get your hair cut if it is too long. Gibson did, I did...
Next week is the moment we have practiced months for, now is not the time to let loose. As we all know, there is only 1 result we want to hear.
Work for it!
You can never practice too much.
[We've ensured that,cos intensive is next mon(12-6.30), tues(12-6) and wed(8-5)]
Ivan :)