Good day.
For those who somehow still do not know the practice dates for the September holidays,
Below is the schedule:
打击乐- 1/9 (Monday) 1pm-4pm, 3/9 (Wednesday) 10am-1pm.
笙/唢呐- 1/9 (Monday) 1pm-5pm.
琵琶/柳琴- 1/9 (Monday) 1pm-5pm.
阮/古筝- 3/9 (Wednesday) 10am-1pm.
Cello/Bass- 1/9 (Monday) 8am-12pm.
扬琴- 2/9 (Tuesday) 3.30pm-6.30pm.
笛子- 1/9 and 2/9 (Monday and Tuesday) 1pm-5pm.
二胡- 1/9 and 3/9 (Monday and Wednesday) 9am-1pm.
3/9 and 4/9 (Wednesday and Thursday)
2pm to 6pm
For 弹拨, please contact ASL Leon.
Heard that there is a change in timetable.
SLs and ASLs, please take note of the attendance.
We will collate them together after the dazu session on Wednesday.
If you don't understand what I am typing or have queries,
SMS, MSN or call us.
Thanks and have a great holiday ahead (Not to mention mountains of homework).
Xuan Ming