Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some reminders

Hi people.
Hope you're enjoying your 3rd week.
Here are some reminders for you to note:
1) No playing of the drumset before dazu/xiaozu.
Mind that the LT is only beside the CO Room, and as the "O" Level approaches,
More and more students will be using it.
Please refrain from playing the drumset or it shall be removed, if necessary.
2) Practice for SYF choice piece- 梦蝶
We understand that there are some parts where rhythm is a problem.
Please practice at home during your free time if you can as we aim to meet our first goal this Friday,
which is 67 bars.
Should you face any difficulty,
please do not hesitate to ask your seniors or teachers (during xiaozu) for help.
3) Practice this Friday.
Take note that there will be practice this Friday, 18 July 2008.
Report to CO Room at 2.30pm sharp and await further instructions.
If you will be late, please inform your respective SLs or ASLs.
Jiayou jiayou jiayou! =D
Balance your schoolwork and CCA well...
All the best for your Class MRs.
Thanks! (:
Xuan Ming