Monday, January 14, 2008
The 2nd post for the year!!!
Hello guys the blog has been quite quiet for the past few weeks I should say cause there isn't any updates or something to talk about, but fear not, there will be more contents about our very own CO this year. Be prepared for more content, "Hot News" and of course more board tagging! I could not emphasize anymore on the rules of the blog. This blog is meant for everyone and no OFFENSIVE remarks or comments are allowed to be posted no matter how much you think those words are so un-vulgar to you. Words like asshole, jackass etc. are not allowed. Those who breached this rule after this update will have their ip suspended for 3days and if continuous attempts are being found, it will be a permanent ban. But, do continue to enjoy this blog in a non vulgar environment and check out for updates on our CO and practices schedules. Take care and jiayou for May's concert!